In-house document shredding is stressful, time-consuming, and costly. When attempting to balance the costs of equipment, manpower, and time, the resources start adding up quickly.
While there are many options available paper and document shredding, on-site shredding allows for the least amount of time consumption on you and your employee’s part. The cost and preparation involved with purchasing your own equipment, along with the vital work hours involved with shredding sensitive documents can add up quickly. On-site shredding eliminates these costs and time drains. American Document Shredding allows you the opportunity to tend to your shredding needs without the hassle of equipment maintenance, training, and employee certification necessary to handle sensitive documents.
The time constraints that are lifted when removing the concerns of shredding your own documents in-house will have an immediate impact in your day-to-day functions. On-site shredding is simply the easiest, most cost effective method of removing documents and data from your site.
Depending on the size of your organization and projects, a shredding project could last for many days, or even months. The investment of money into the equipment and manpower could cost thousands of dollars, draining vital resources.
On-site shredding is simple. For a one-time pickup, simply call us, and we’ll schedule you into one of our routes. For ongoing needs within your organization, we provide secured bins that stay at your site, where you deposit your unneeded documents. We then schedule you into a route that is most convenient for you. We then immediately shred you documents at your location. Your day-to-day operations remain uninterrupted, while having the peace of mind that your materials are being safely destroyed in accordance with procedural guidelines and laws.
Your information is sensitive. Billions of dollars a year are lost in identity theft, corporate espionage, and lawsuits. With those kind of risks involved, why leave it to chance?
American Document Shredding complies with all state and feral data disposal laws so that you can rest easy with the knowledge that your documents are being properly destroyed. Our employees all hold the necessary credentials to handle sensitive documents, and your organization will receive a Certificate of Destruction upon each visit.
Get your quote from American Document Shredding!
We have two convenient locations in the Oklahoma area.
Tulsa, Oklahoma – 7254 E. 38th St. – 918.770.5606
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – 320 N. McCormick Ave. – 405.213.1050